STRUCTUREDepartmentsVegetable Crops

Head of laboratory:  S.R. Hasanov, PhD on biological sciences

 The main activity directions of the department:

The scientific direction of the Department is the collection, research, multiplication, conservation, sustainable use,and creation of new varieties of local and introduced vegetable and melon crops species.













 Total number of employees: 4 

  1. A.H. Babayev, doctor of agricultural sciences
  2. Ch.T. Namazova, candidate of biological sciences
  3. N.A. Guliyev, junior scientific worker
  4. A.A. Isgandarova, junior scientific worker


Recent five years 3 selection varieties, 16 introduction varieties and seeds of 12 variety-forms of tomato had been increased and among of them 2 more perspective varieties had been selected.

4 local selection varieties, 14 introduction varieties and seeds of 6 local variety-forms of pepper had been increased, as well as 4 perspective variety-forms had been selected.

Seeds of 8 introduction varieties and 4 local variety-forms of egg-plant had been increased and included into the collection.

12 varieties of wild onion, seeds of 4 local varieties of onion had been collected, 2 varieties and 4 wild varieties had been analyzed by cytogenetic method.

Seeds of local populations of vegetables (annual) had been collected and included into the collection.

Seeds of local and introduction varieties and hybrids of water-melon plants once cultivated in our Republic had been created, increased and given to gene bank for the long-term conservation (water-melon 4; pumpkin 3; melon 18).