STRUCTUREDepartmentsPhysiology Genetics

Prof. R.T.ƏliyevHead of structural unit: R.T. Aliyev, doctor of biological sciences, prof.





Main activity directions of structural unit:

Studying of physiological-genetic bases of resistance and tolerance to abiotic stress factors of agricultural crops and their wild forms.

Main scientific results of structural unit:

It was determined that, stress factors cause for serious structural and functional changes in genetic systems of plants’ cell. In resistant plant varieties the quantity of euxromatin DNT being active part of genome increases, as well as RNT synthesis gets intensified. But on the contrary in sensitive varieties the degradation of nucleon acids is observed.

After stress by applying of Hib+Kin phytohormone complex both in genome of resistant and sensitive plant varieties acute activation process is observed. All of these show that, the impact mechanism of stress factors and phytohormones are closely connected with structural and functional activity changes of genome.

By investigations was also studied that, besides nuclear genetic systems, mitoxondri and chloroplast genetic systems play an important role in resistance of plants to abiotic stress factors. In resistant genotypes increasing of gene expression in mitokhondri and chloroplast was observed and it can help for increasing of functional activity and for improvement of energy guarantee of cell.

Stress factors cause for the depression of chlorophyll synthesis on leaves and reflect itself in changes of photosynthesis intensity. Decrease of quantity of chlorophyll a+b is not observed by influence of stress.